Where's My Baton?
The Baton left yesterday for home, which is in Virginia. And tomorrow, she and her parents are flying out west to spend about 10 days in Oregon and California, visiting family and so forth.
She returns to New York on Monday, July 10, and I told her it might be a good idea for us not to talk while she's away. Over Christmas last year, we spoke on the phone several times each day for about a month, and two weeks after she returned to Louisville, she tried to dump me. She didn't handle the long-distance thing too well, and the unexciting phone calls probably just became a nuisance to her.
So this time around, I made the suggestion for two reasons: 1) to avoid what happened over Christmas. Not that I think we're on the brink of a breakup, because we're not, but I'd hate for a repeat performance of a lengthy stretch away from each other with only burdensome phone calls. And 2) also because I think we've made the adjustment to living together, particularly in a small one-bedroom apartment. Her reward is a two-week stretch of not having to worry about the maintenance. Just go kick it with your family and don't think about us, I told her.
Her vacation comes at a good time, because there have been plenty of times where we've wanted to strangle each other in that apartment. And that wouldn't be good for me because of that whole probation thing.
Now I just need to quit taking naps when I come home from work so I can get a new round of goods posted on eBay and make some money. This will be one of several time-consuming projects I've got planned, so I might as well make this extra time count.
This is by far my worst blog entry ever. I sincerely apologize.
No, not your worst, but close.
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