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Sunday, October 08, 2006

Weekend Recap

Remember Miles, from Miles Drinkish back in June? He twisted my arm quite hard, so I obliged and met him out for a few beers Friday night after work.

It had been a while since we'd hung out, but it was nice to catch up. Getting there sucked, however. The 4/5/6 wasn't working, so I came back up to street level, where sidewalks were packed, buses were full and cabs were all taken. I arrived at Revival (say that five times fast), in the East Village, I think, about an hour late.

But we had a good time nonetheless. Miles' work apparently offers him some nice perks, including box access to Madison Square Garden events. So I might be going to Guns N Roses in November and perhaps even a Rangers game. That's fairly cool.

On Saturday, I hit my philosophy class in the morning and on the way back, there was a Czech Festival in my neighborhood. I ambled through the block and feigned interest in a "Travel Czech" brochure just to stand near some European gal speaking a cool foreign language, presumably Czech. I don't like typing the 'Z' because it's tucked on the keyboard underneath my left pinky, perhaps the least nimble finger of my entire collection. So I'm done writing the word Czech.

But Saturday afternoon was cool. You might remember Ohio State Guy, Steve, who organizes Ohio State watching parties at Blondie's on the Upper East Side. A gal from work, Dr. Sapna, who like me has some roots to Cincinnati, met me up there and it was a grand old time. Steve seems partly responsible for Blondie's business on what used to be much quieter Saturday afternoons in the fall before he came to town, so he and those with him get taken care of nicely. It was an enjoyable afternoon and evening, and the headache is just now starting to subside.

So as I get the new day started, I'm daring myself to be productive, something I struggle with on Sundays. Here goes nothing!


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