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Friday, February 01, 2008

Chris Berman Is An A-Hole

Thanks to wall and leegero, who sent this in within an hour of each other Friday morning.

This looks like it's old video, but if two of my senior correspondents who are also considered media insiders just saw it this morning, it must have just been released.

Anyway, please raise your hand if you also dislike Chris Berman. And please keep track of how many times he says, "GEEEEEE men" in Super Bowl previews this weekend. And also be aware of his bad ties and tiresome Classic Rock music references, and other weak gags. All around he sucks, and has sucked for a long time, and yet he's the face of ESPN's NFL coverage and probably will be for the next 20 years. He can board the Celebrity Death Plane (with colleague Stuart Scott) any time he likes. Here's the video:

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At 10:47 AM EST, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"You're with me, Leather!"

At 1:08 PM EST, Anonymous Anonymous said...

How is his tired ass still on TV?

At 3:45 AM EST, Blogger PDizzle said...

He jumped the shark in about 1989. Overexposure killed the old man. He was great in the salad days of ESPN, when they re-ran the same SportsCenter all morning and had six hours of Australian Rules Football on the air most days. I can recall many a summer day when I'd watch the 9 a.m. SportsCenter, then rattle off the baseball nicknames along with him on the reruns. Too bad that schtick went out with feathered hair and leg warmers.

I don't begrudge him this tantrum -- I'm guessing everybody who makes a living in front of the camera has one or two of these buried somewhere. But that doesn't change the fact that he's a first-class D-bag.

When Reimer and I covered the Super Bowl in Tampa in 2001, we did the typical "celebrity picks" column. Most of the bigshots were very kind to us and indulged us with a pick. Only two people blew us off. One was Ken Griffey Jr., who we sat at an Orlando Magic game. He told us he doesn't pick football games and walked away.

The other a-hole was Berman. During a break at Media Day, we asked him for a prediction. He slammed on the brakes, looked at us like we had crapped on his shoes, and kept walking. Then after about five steps, he stopped, looked back at us and said, "The Buffalo Bills."

Very helpful, since the Ravens and Giants were playing. What a tool.


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