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Thursday, May 22, 2008

Here's Me Being Cool

I enjoy ruining mysteries for others.

I also have a good friend named Ben in Louisville. We're buds enough to hope to see each other when I get back there a couple times a year, and we'll float each other the occasional email, but not the kind of dudes to be in touch with great frequency.

Ben is a serious soccer fan. I'm OK with the sport, but watching yesterday's exciting UEFA Championship between Chelsea and Manchester United wasn't a top priority for me. It began at 3 p.m. and ended thrillilngly with penalty kicks. Figuring Ben was working his normal schedule and unable to watch it live, I assumed he was going to watch it on TiVo later in the evening.

So here was a friendly text message to him yesterday shortly after the game ended: "In case you were TiVoing, Man. U. won today."

Oh, and if you haven't seen "Iron Man" just yet, everyone dies at the end.



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