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Monday, June 22, 2009

Louisville Party This Saturday

Just wanted to drop a line and invite my Kentucky and Ohio friends to what is going to be a large party on Saturday, June 27, in Louisville.

I'm one of about 40 or 50 artists who will be displaying just a couple of pieces at "Dreams: A Journey Within," an event being put on by a new group of artists with big plans for future events like this one around the midwest.

I was very flattered when Will Sieg asked me to participate, and I was further pleased when many of you took the time to answer my call for feedback a few weeks ago. I've already shipped my three pieces to Louisville. Come on out on the 27th and see which ones you helped me pick!

Also, my good friend Jason Buroker, who is going to be huge some day with his phospherescent pieces, will be coming down from Cincinnati to set up a dark-room display for you to ooh and aah at his glow-in-the-dark work.

This ain't your typical, quiet, boring, polite art show. There will be lots to drink, fire-eating freaks and at least a dozen musical acts over the eight-hour event. All for just $5 at the Ice House on Main Street near downtown Louisville. Peep the site below for details, and tell everybody you know:

The Art Cartel

OK, hope to see all of you on the 27th.

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