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Friday, February 17, 2006

The Sweet Spot

Do you know where the sweet spot is? Have you found it? Every office has one. Mine is located just to the right of the assignment desk in the newsroom. Most people assume there's a water cooler around which co-workers gather to gossip.

But our area is the table near the assignment desk. Around the holidays, you can't even see the brown formica table-top because it's hidden underneath donuts, salty snacks and other treats.

For some reason, this Valentine's Day week, I've spent lots of time over there. I simply cannot say no to the sweets. Cakes, cookies, candies, pies -- you name it; we've had it.

Which brings me to my next point. My best original pickup line went something like this: "Well, good lookin', I wish I could hang around and keep talking to you, but my dentist tells me to stay away from sweets."

Such an effort did have a purpose back in the day. A gal who laughed at how awful that was but knew I was expressing merely a sense of humor clearly was someone worth talking to, cavity creeps be damned! Unfortunately, those gals were largely outnumbered by others who truly thought I was hoping to gain my way inside a woman's heart with such a weak line. You'll find a lot of those women in angry and judgmental Cincinnati, where there truly are very few sweet spots.

If you want to pass along a pickup line to a friend or lover, do it online by clicking here.

Best Pickup Line You've Used Or Heard?


At 7:54 PM EST, Blogger Marcus Riley said...

Damn, still smartin' over those Cincy women, huh? Here's a classic line from high school... use this one if a chick turns you down for a dance. "I didn't ask you to dance, I said you looked fat in those pants." Vengeance is mine..

At 4:14 PM EST, Blogger Big Primpin' said...

I can't wait to use that the next time I ask a girl to dance when I'm out at the club.

"This skate, couples only."


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