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Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Burned Or Burnt?

My bed smells like burned popcorn. Maybe it's burnt.

For Christmas, my mom got me one of those pads filled with rice or corn or whatever that is. You're supposed to throw it in the microwave, then put it in your bed to heat up your bed. Actually, this one goes around your neck to help alleviate any neck, shoulder or upper back discomfort you might feel. I was trying to fix my neck, the pain of which is described below.

But I don't have a microwave. I've been up here for eight months and I really don't miss it. The only other option, however, is to throw the pad in the oven, and I think the fabric probably doesn't go well with the heat from a traditional oven.

That's why my bed now smells like burned popcorn. Or is it burnt?


At 2:22 PM EST, Blogger brokedickdog said...

Another tip from my doctor, don't put your neck in the oven. I hate that guy.

At 7:12 AM EST, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do this: put the pad in boiling water. After 5 minutes, remove it from the water and place it immediately on the effected area. Nothing bad will happen. I promise.

At 7:22 AM EST, Blogger Big Primpin' said...

I once put my knee in the microwave. It actually was kind of cool until it fell into the bathtub.

At 7:28 AM EST, Blogger Big Primpin' said...

And Cope, your remedy sounds much more logical. I'll report results back tomorrow.

At 7:43 AM EST, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a girl, rub some dirt on it.

At 10:37 PM EST, Anonymous Anonymous said...

How the hell do you live without a microwave? I guess that crusty foreman grill has been getting a hell of a workout these days!

At 6:53 AM EST, Blogger Big Primpin' said...

Am I supposed to clean that Foreman Grill?


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