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Sunday, April 06, 2008

The Italian Job

The charming and brilliant Sneha has concluded her travels and now officially lives in Italy. She moved for a job last month, but here are some notes from a recent email she sent:

+ "...had four conversations on Saturday, each in a different language, so (my) head is a little confused."

+ "...the city is beautiful and very bikeable-walkable... also everyone is deliciously nice and it generally has a cool vibe and nice mix of intellectualism, artiness, pragmatism and pretension - so its pretty much perfect for me."

+ "i have been spending an inordinate amount of time on the phone with t-mobile international customer service, and i think this is because of:

1. aforementioned loneliness
2. conversation conducted in fluent english
3. the fact that it is free"



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