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Friday, September 01, 2006

Mail Bag

So in the hour it took me to leave work, get on the train, get stared at by someone who was selling something I wasn't buying and walk home, I received two -- count em, two -- notes to my work e-mail address with one correction and one strong objection. The first correspondent calls herself Mom, and the second is old dude Steve from Cincinnati. Note No. 1, in its full, unedited text:

Hi Sweetie....just caught up with your most recent blogs and read that it is rather funny that I misspelled my name for my email..actually that is not correct.....the computer tech. consultant I had here actually made the mistake and I never corrected him! I do have to admit that it makes for a funny story. Which brings to mind some great laughs I have enjoyed over the yearswhen I think of you....when you applied for your temp. driver's license and brought it for me to see....you liked the name Jonathon better than John (at that particular time) and (you) went ahead and called yourself Johnathon P. Wise....also, your response regarding Frank Sinatra made me laugh just as much. You one funny guy! Keep up the funny writing...why don't you write something about Russian River wines..heeheehee! more later..luv.m.

And from Steve:

You need to fix this!

Whenever I post I get this message...

Your comment has been saved and will be visible after blog owner approval.

Being locked out sucks

Steve "the rhyme animal" Slazyk

First, apologies to my mother. I called her out in a note earlier this week, which you can read below. But as far as Steve's note goes, I can't just let any old poster drop some notes on here. This is a family blog, except for the notes about sex, defacation, alcohol abuse and most of the other content on these pages.


At 7:10 AM EDT, Blogger Jeff said...

" You one funny guy" ?? I didn't know your mother was Asian American or Two years old.


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