Drug Talk 101
"A friend" once was introduced by telephone to a guy named Mark, who had a weed connection. Stuart told this friend -- we'll call him Jackass -- to call Mark at such-n-such phone number, as Mark was expecting the call.
Mark and Jackass talked briefly on a Friday, and both indicated they'd be at the same social gathering on a Saturday. Mark suggested his contact might have "the stuff" before Mark was going to go to the social gathering, in which case Mark would sponsor the illegal transaction up front and settle up with Jackass later.
When the pair met the next day, Mark said the falcon was far from landing. He told Jackass he'd left his cell phone in the taxi on the way over. So he borrowed Stuart's phone on arriving at the social gathering and called his phone. A gal answered and Mark directed her to turn the phone off immediately and not even think about answering it until Mark picks it up from her.
I, too, was at this social gathering, and perhaps if I talk to Jackass again soon, I'll have an update for you on whether the shit goes down.
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