Is Past Truly Prologue?
I've been saying for years how great it would be to get rid of all the clutter and take on more of a minimalist existence.
I don't mean I'd get rid of everything; I'd certainly keep my clothes, my media and gadgetry and kitchen necessities.
But I'd get rid of more than just paperwork. Do I really need to hold onto a small statue or a wall hanging so I can tell curious visitors I got it in Singapore? Or was it Bali?
I am, however, one of those sensitive, nostalgic types. I do like thinking back to those and other trips. Ahh, the stories.
But do I need the stories? I'm getting ready to begin the second half of my life and the stories haven't helped me so far. And I'll still have these stories, just not the trinkets that trigger inquiries from others, and that's plenty OK.
So as I prepare for my move to Brooklyn next week, is it OK to just get rid of a lot of my stuff? It will certainly make the move easier and I'll no doubt find new things about which to become sentimental. Or should I keep everything because the past is irreplaceable? Once something gets pitched, isn't it gone forever?
Labels: Clutter