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Friday, January 26, 2007

Cryptic Message

You know how TV news stories of teens killed or kidnapped increasingly include details about the victim's myspace page?

"'Katefuxalot'" left a cryptic message on her profile, telling friends she had a dream about meeting God just two days before the terrible car accident."

She was just a sophomore in college.

Anyway, here's my cryptic message, and if I don't show up for work Monday, or if I never blog again, after the applause, please consider this a clue:

I ate a yogurt at my desk this morning that had been tampered with. The lid was all jacked up (read: it was already open), but I ate the peach-flavored goodness nonetheless. Perhaps some disgruntled Dannon worker put something in it, perhaps not.

We'll find out.

And STILL waiting to hear back from Geek Squad about my hard drive.


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