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Friday, April 20, 2007

Gag Order

(h/t brokedickdog)
As you know, Primpin' Ain't Easy has correspondents in the Greater Cincinnati area, covering the high-profile case of a 51-year-old woman, Jeni Dinkel (Hollywood makeup artist, overall swinger and two-time wife to the same former Cincinnati Bengal) who's alleged to have had sex with their 15-year-old son's high school classmate.

Today's top headline is that the defense is demonstrating how it has nothing to hide by seeking a gag order in the case. A gag order is issued by the court and requires otherwise public documents to be sealed and involved parties prohibited from speaking about the case to the media. It can also be the name of an adult film.

Prosecutor Rob Sanders claims the defense unfairly "seeks to gag everyone but the defendant." Should the defendant be gagged, Mr. Sanders? Bound too? Perhaps spanked a little?

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At 11:44 AM EDT, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Another case of fat middle aged cops jealous of some 15 year old getting his prayers answered. Aren't there more pressing issues in Cincinnati? Hot MILF good, let's see...illegal guns, meth, underfunded educational system, umm MURDER, every other Bengal, bad.

At 12:07 PM EDT, Blogger Big Primpin' said...

I think I've been pissing off what few friends I have left in Cincinnati, so it's my April resolution to lighten up -- like Francis was urged to do -- on the Queen City.

But your judgment of Hot MILF, who I presume to be Jeni Dinkel, in your opinion, could use some sharpening. I'd need a whole lot of Hudepohls to go in that direction.


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