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Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Review: 300

I saw "300" last night and have to say it was as recommended to me: worth watching but didn't lack a certain gratuitous quality.

Lots of blood. Lots of blood. Lots of blood.

The story is a good one, however, and I remember it well from high school history class. The 300 Spartans didn't necessarily topple Xerxes' Persian army of what legend numbers at 1 million soldiers.

But Leonidas cemented the Spartan legacy by confidently and courageously leading his undermanned group into an unwinnable battle. Armed with a sound strategy and an impenetrable will, fighting against a seemingly insurmountable force, Leonidas led the rally and the Spartans put up an admirable fight for several days.

The effort at Thermopylae was so memorable that dozens of schools now call themselves the Spartans, including my high school alma mater. You don't really hear about any teams called the Persians, do you?



At 11:40 AM EDT, Blogger brokedickdog said...

I thought it was the Richmond Heights Mongoloids? or was it Caucasians?

At 10:45 PM EDT, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Richmond Hts. Spartans, Persians rugs, don't matter both always got walked all over.

At 11:11 PM EDT, Blogger Big Primpin' said...

It was the Richmond Heights Roenicks vs. the Car-n-Bar.

RH was solid, ace; you better recognize.


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